Alan is a data analyst with a specialization in psychometric consulting. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL, USA, where he taught psychometrics, meta-analysis, structural equations modeling, and other quantitative topics at the graduate level. He has extensive applied, academic, operational, and research experience with psychometric methodology, including experience with standard psychometric models, item writing, item analysis, scoring and reporting, standard-setting and equating, item calibration, and adaptive testing.
He is familiar with dichotomous models (Rasch, 2PL, 3PL, etc), polytomous models (GRM/GGRM, GPCM), unfolding models (GGUM), and exotic models for special cases such as speeded tests and testlets. He is a member of APS, SIOP, NCME, a member-at-large of the board of IACAT, and a consulting editor for the Journal of Business and Psychology. He received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Illinois-Urbana in 2000 with a concentration on industrial and organizational psychology and a minor concentration on quantitative psychology.
Prior to joining the faculty at IIT, he spent several years as a practitioner including positions such as psychometrician, consultant, research scientist, and senior manager. He has contributed to high-profile CAT projects such as the AICPA’s computerized Uniform CPA Exam and the US Department of Labor’s CAT-GATB. He has operational experience in the licensure realm, having served as chief psychometrician for the Linux Professional Institute’s Linux system administration certification exam. His research interests include: (a) exam security, (b) adaptive testing of personality, (c) scoring novel item formats, (d) automated item generation, and (e) comparability of automated assessment formats.