The Benefits of a Targeted Recruitment Strategy

The Benefits of a Targeted Recruitment Strategy

The Benefits of a Targeted Recruitment Strategy

When looking for the perfect fit for an open role at your company, there are several different recruitment strategies one can employ. One of the most effective methods for finding employees that will thrive at their role and serve as a positive addition to your company culture is to use a targeted search. Essentially, a targeted recruitment strategy involves narrowing down advertising efforts for a job opening to attract a group of people with specific experience levels, skill sets, personality traits, and other qualities. Below, we will address some of the main benefits of a targeted recruitment strategy.

Improve Quality of Applicants

One of the most notable benefits of targeted recruiting is an improved quality of applicants. Because your open positions will only be shown to individuals that satisfy the specific criteria you desire, you won’t have to sift through a large number of unqualified applicants. Instead, most—if not all—applicants for your open job position will potentially be a good fit for your company. This saves time and increases your chances of finding the right candidate who can positively impact your organization. With targeted HR recruiting, you can attract highly qualified individuals with the specific skills and experience needed to excel in the difficult positions you need to fill.

Reduced Cost Per Hire

Another significant advantage of implementing a targeted recruitment strategy is a reduced cost per hire. The quality over quantity approach that a targeted recruitment process implements doesn’t just save time—it can also significantly reduce hiring costs. By reducing the pool of applicants for a position, hiring managers can make the most of every dollar they spend rather than diluting their budget across a wide range of candidates.

Fill Difficult Positions

Certain positions are more challenging to fill than others. When crucial roles remain vacant, tasks and responsibilities associated with these roles can pile up or go to underqualified employees. This can result in an overburdened team and decreased productivity. Fortunately, a targeted recruitment plan can reduce the amount of time crucial positions stay open. By advertising job openings in a way that specifically targets qualified candidates, those who would be a good fit for the role are more likely to see and apply.

Increase Diversity in Workplace

In addition to targeting candidates with specific skill sets, a targeted recruitment strategy can also target underutilized groups, such as ethnic minorities or people with disabilities. By ensuring the representation of under-represented groups in the applicant pool of an open position, companies can increase diversity in their workplaces. Because a diverse workplace has shown to have numerous advantages, such as lower turnover rates, increased morale, enhanced decision making, and higher levels of engagement, this benefit of a targeted recruitment strategy should not go overlooked.

The Christopher Group is one of the largest and most respected boutique HR executive search firms and staffing solutions firms in the nation. To help your company hire the highest performing HR professionals, we implement a highly-effective specialized targeted search strategy. To learn more about our processes and services, contact us today.